Tag: javascript

Exploratory Programming with jQuery

jQuery is a widely used framework for inspecting and manipulating the DOM in modern browsers. It’s often one of the fundamental libraries that’s used in major websites, even underlying higher level frameworks like Backbone and AngularJS. But JQuery can also be used as a tool for experimentation, prototyping, and testing ideas and features interactively in

Saving and Restoring JSON Data in Python

I recently had a need to save some data off to be used (and augmented) each time a python script was run. Python offers a very simple-to-use API to save data in JSON format. JSON stands for “Javascript Object Notation”. Originally developed for Javascript, writing and reading JSON is supported now in a wide variety

Running PHP on the Command Line

I’ve been exploring PHP recently and wanted to test some simple code in the PHP interactive shell. I was puzzled to find that I couldn’t seem to make anything work in the shell – I could enter commands, but didn’t see any output from them. You can run php interactively by entering “php -a” in

Running a Standalone HTTP Server

When developing and testing a new HTML page, it can be accessed locally by opening it as a file from a browser. But Chrome and Firefox will issue an error if the Javascript in the page tries to make an AJAX call (due to enforcement of browser sandbox security). To work around this there are